

One problem with the locos for my smaller layouts is that they're nearly all "budget" locos: thus adding name and number plates from one of the number of suppliers would effectively DOUBLE the cost of each loco. So, I decided to have a go at making cheap ones myself..

So.............. I fiddled with my word processinng software (unusually, I use WordPerfect) to produce white letters on a red or black background. I would have liked to have had yellow letters, but it wouldn't play. .

After half-an-hour or so, I produced the sheet above - a few minutes with the paper cutter and scissors produced this lot. (I wasn't too happy with the plates for CARROT, so re-did them - one of ROB's plates was badly cut, so I printed off anoother sheet.) Incidentally, the sheet was sprayed with gloss varnish and dried on top of the heating bolier before being cut out.

The first batch were fitted - a dab of Evo-stik is all that was needed to fix them.




Page Created on 23rd June, 2018

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