I went to the Warley Model Railway show at the NEC today. I was working on the DHRS stand, but got a chance or two to wander around. There were lots of immaculate layouts there: two worthy of note as far as I was concerned were the Model Railway Club's 7mm scale layout, Happisborough and a layout set in Austria - there was so much detail to study that it didn't really matter that trains didn't run very often! There was little of 16mm interest, though Barry at Roundhouse was surprised how many orders he'd taken on what he thought was merely going to be a "waving the flag" exercise. There were, however, new brass Darj coaches from the USA - this was a prototype - the final version will have white lining and window "glass" A set of three will sell at $1000 in the USA, plus tax and despatch. The adverts on one layout gave me more than a few chuckles......... . . . . . This caught my eye - it had been built to demonstrate the circuit and the use of servos, but it was garden-sized and could have been made weather-proof. I did ask why this layout wasn't covered in snow...................... |