Mine Tubs for Flagg Fluorspar

Phil Sharples was offering cheap (GBP 7-50) kits for mine tubs, so I decided to indulge in a few. This is what you get.............

................... and the laser cut MDF bits go together like this! Note that when I took this picture, this wagon hadn't been glued together - it all self-locates!

The two "halves" (underframe and uprights, and "the box bit") were sprayed up, glued together with a smigeon of superglue, and the Binnie axleboxes, wheels and couplings were added.......... Hey Presto - one mine tub!

They look well as a rake.............

........... in this instance behind Number N-n-n-n-n-nineteen.

I've since come up with an "Improved Coupling" for kits with the Binnie "T" piece. Take a common-or-garden pressed tack, use your Dremel or similar tool with a cutting disk to cut off three of the sides of the head, to leave a hook, clean up as required and tap into a prepared hole (I used 1.5 mm). It provides enough hook for my standard chains.

One of the advantages of small wagons is that you can pack a whole train (in this case, "ESME" and four mine tubs) into a fairly small box......


Flagg Fluorspar Stock Page

Created on 17th April 2018